Buried in the Orthodox Cemetery, Budapest
New stone at the top replaces old stone at the bottom

Here lies buried

ben Shemuel and Sarah
Died 27 Elul 5701
May his memory be a blessing

TNZB"H (May his soul be bound in life)


Here lies buried

A pure and honest,
God-fearing and just man
Who gave generously to the poor
ben morenu harav David Shemuel z"l

Died with his good name intact
To the distress of his wife, only son,
two daughters and two grandsons
27 Elul 5701 and was buried the next day.
TNZB"H (May his soul be bound in life)
His mother's name was Sarah.

Here is recorded in perpetuity
His dear, only son, a wise and honest man,
 MoH' Dr. David Shemuel a"h
Who was killed in the sanctification of G-d's name
May G-d avenge his blood

Husband of Feige Tallenberg
See page with family information
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