Events in House 129 - Skalat
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According to the landowner records in Lwow, this house was owned in 1859 by Leibisch Pikholz, together with three large parcels toitalling about 1500 square meters.  We have five births in this house.  In four cases, the father is Leib and in one case the grandfather is Leib.  Due to the overlap of years, the two Leibs may be the same.  However the first Leib had children from about 1855 until the early 1870's and the second had children from 1876 until 1889.  That is a forty+ year spread if it's the same man, so I don't want to assume anything without more information.
Number in
my database
Name Type/ 
Family Other houses for 
the same couple
3528 Chaje Ester B-1862 Mati
Head of this family is Arie Leib
2881 Moses Hersz B-1877  -
60, 126
Parents are Leib Pikholz and 
Rachel Gittel Qualer (of Zalosce)
2882 Taube B-1879  -
60, 126
Parents are Leib Pikholz and 
Rachel Gittel Qualer (of Zalosce)
3269 Asriel Chayim Schapira B-1882 Mati
3081 Markus Leisor B-1884  -
60, 126
Parents are Leib Pikholz and 
Rachel Gittel Qualer (of Zalosce)
8248 Reisel B-1903  - 
Could be daughter of 3081 or his older brother.
8249 Max B-1905  - 
Brother of 8248