Subject: Third Actzia in Skalat Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2000 13:03:31 +0300 I was at Yad VaShem yesterday for the first time since they installed their new compterized system for searching Pages of Testimony. There was quite a bit of material that I hadn't seen before, but I only printed out a few pages. Among those few were Rosa Pikholz, the teacher from Skalat, her brother Moshe (Munio) and his wife Bedka. The Pages were submitted last year by the daughter of Bedka's sister. In recording these Pages today, I saw that Rosa and Munio were killed in the third actzia, which was 7 April 1943. I don't usually keep track of all the Holocaust memorial days - there are so many and fact is we generally don't have the information who was killed when - but since the day is so close at hand, I looked it up. The yahrzeit for the third actzia in Skalat is the second of Nisan - this Friday. You might care to acknowledge that be reading the story of Rosa'a death as it appears in the Yizkor book for Skalat. You can find the translation at Israel P. -- End --